4th Grade School Supplies

  • For a downloadable or printable copy of the supply list, please click here.

    Suggested School Supplies

    Quantity   Item
     5-6  Dry erase pens, black, low odor (fine & wide tip)
     1  Dry erase eraser or clean old sock
     3  Package of #2 pencils
     1  Zip up pencil pouch (no pencil boxes)
     Colored Pencils 
     1  Highlighters (two different colors)
     1   Post-Its (3 different colors)
     3  Glue stick packs
     1  Box of crayons
     1  Headphones
     1 Scissors
     2  Folder (Blue and Green)
     2  Spiral notebook wide ruled (Red and Yellow)
     2  Index cards (3 x 5)
    **Due to limited space, please do not send binders to school. We will provide homework folders for each student.

    Class Donations Appreciated:

    • Wide rule filler paper
    • Washable Colored Markers (fine & wide)
    • Expo Marker (fine & wide)
    • Erasers (pencil toppers)
    • Liquid Glue
    • Kleenex
    • Sticky Notes
    • Ziplock bags
    If you are not able to bring any of these items, please let your teacher know.